ISFJ Personality Type Profile
In contrast to INFJs, ISFJs are among the more commonly encountered personality types, thought to comprise upwards of 8% of the general population.
To understand ISFJs, we must first consider their dominant function, Introverted Sensing (Si), which compels them to preserve and protect past ways of doing things. This is why David Keirsey has dubbed them “guardians.” Like other SJ types, they grow attached to the routine, familiar, and expected. The more often they do something in a particular way (e.g., eat a certain type of meal for lunch), the harder it is for them to break out of that pattern. The same can be said of their beliefs and worldview. As adults, ISFJs often persist in the beliefs and worldview of their childhood. In sum, they can be seen to rely heavily on past precedent, both behaviorally and ideationally.
While sometimes viewed as stubborn or nitpicky, ISFJs are actually more easygoing than they are often given credit for. Since their dominant function (Si) is a Perceiving function, they are naturally inclined to assume a receptive rather than a controlling role. Unfortunately, this often goes unnoticed by the casual onlooker, since Si introverted in direction. Especially in their free time, ISFJs know how to be leisurely, something ESFJs can have a harder time with.
Abraham Lincoln, ISFJ
In sharing the identical set of psychological functions, ISFJs resemble ESFJs. One difference is ESFJs tend to more warm and engaging upfront, while ISFJs can be a bit more reserved and take longer to warm-up. These two types also differ with respect to inferior function issues, with ISFJs wrestling with Ne and ESFJs with Ti.
ISFJs also resemble ISTJs, since they share the same dominant and inferior function. However, their auxiliary functions do confer significant differences. ISFJs use Extraverted Feeling (Fe) as their auxiliary function, which grants them a greater measure of social intelligence. While ISTJs may lack some degree of social grace, their auxiliary Te contributes stronger powers of logical and tactical intelligence. ISFJs’ Fe may also contribute an added measure of open-mindedness, at least outwardly. However, this may be more a matter of ISFJs’ concern for interpersonal harmony than a true difference in openness.
Although differing by only one “preference” (i.e., J-P), ISFJs actually share zero functions with ISFPs. ISFPs, who use Se instead of Si, are less concerned with past precedent than ISFJs are. And because of their Fi, ISFPs are more individualistic and less objective in their judging process. Their Se also confers a greater interest in sensory and material novelty. Moreover, ISFPs are inclined toward “hands-on” or what is described as “Realistic” work on the Holland career inventory. ISFJ career-seekers, by contrast, are typically less interested in getting their hands dirty. They are more apt to pursue “Conventional” than Realistic careers. While both ISFJs and ISFPs may take up “Social” sorts of work, ISFJs gravitate toward more abstract occupations, such as teaching, whereas ISFPs, prefer more hands-on careers, such as nursing. ISFJs also make effective managers of people, balancing care and concern with organizational know-how.
All in all, ISFJs are among the most loyal, dutiful, and responsible of all types. They are admired for their devotion and steadfastness. They make loyal friends and companions, especially for those with similar values and lifestyles.
ISFJ Personality Type Development & Functional Stack
ISFJs’ functional stack is composed of the following functions:
Dominant: Introverted Sensing (Si)
Auxiliary: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Tertiary: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Inferior: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
ISFJs’ personality type development can be broadly conceived as consisting of three phases:
Phase I (Childhood-20s)
Phase I is characterized by the development and rise to power of ISFJs’ dominant function, Introverted Sensing (Si). ISFJs use their Si to absorb, integrate, and reflect on acquired information and personal experiences. Since Si corresponds with memory and recall, ISFJs can amass a great deal of information in Phase I.
Phase I ISFJs may also show some development of their auxiliary function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe), which can serve as a helpful extraverted tool for navigating and managing the outside world.
Phase II (Late Teens-30s)
While the inferior function is not entirely dormant or inert in Phase I, the epic tug-of-war between the dominant and inferior does not come to the fore until Phase II. Once ISFJs’ dominant Si reaches a certain threshold of strength and dominance, their inferior function, Extraverted Intuition (Ne), begins to assert itself and play a more prominent role. This can be somewhat confusing since Ne is not next in line in ISFJs’ functional stack, but can be understood as deriving from its bipolar relationship with their dominant Si.
Phase II ISFJs also show increasing use and development of their Fe, allowing them to form and express judgments. They may even begin to tap into their tertiary function, Introverted Thinking (Ti), which serves to cross-check and refine their Fe judgments.
Phase III (30s, 40s, & Beyond)
If all goes well and they are fortunate enough to enter Phase III, ISFJs become increasingly aware of the insidious ways of their inferior Ne. As they become more aware of their inferior and learn to function more healthily as ISFJs, they experience greater balance between their Si and Ne, as well as an increasing sense of peace and wholeness.
ISFJs’ Dominant Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
ISFJs use Introverted Sensing (Si) as their dominant function. Si is the function that undergirds ISFJs’ propensity to function as guardians and conservators of tradition. The longer they are immersed in particular set of circumstances, the more difficult it can be for them to open themselves to alternatives. Because Si is a Perceiving function, ISFJs are less inclined to function as frontline activists for their beliefs than ESJs, whose dominant function is a Judging function. Instead, ISFJs prefer to spend time reflecting on the past or their cherished traditions. Many enjoy attending religious services or studying religious texts, activities that strengthen and bolster their Si beliefs.
One of the most commonly overlooked features of Si is its role in bodily sensation. Namely, Si monitors internal bodily affairs, ensuring that physical needs are optimally satisfied. Being an introverted function, Si is more intensive than Se is, which can make ISFJs more sensitive to a variety of sensory stimuli such as lighting, room temperature, noise levels, sleeping surfaces, etc. They can also be sensitive to strong flavors and unfamiliar textures, which is why they commonly prefer what Se types might consider a bland, simple, or routinized diet.
The bodily role of Si can also influence ISFJs’ health. It may, for instance, allow them to be more attuned to when they are full, thereby preventing overeating. On the other hand, it could play a role in health problems, such as hypochondriasis, in which normal sensations become amplified and interpreted as signs of illness.
We can also compare Si with its intuitive cousin, Ni. As Perceiving functions, both can be viewed as functioning rather passively. Both can also be associated with a strong sense of conviction, which is why SJs and NJs alike can seem outwardly stubborn, opinionated, or closed-minded. The primary difference between these two functions is that Ni is a synthesizing function, producing its own impressions and interpretations. Si, by contrast, does not perceive a different reality behind sense data, but compares present experiences to past ones. For Ni, each experience is approach as new and interpreted on its own terms, whereas for Si, the past is granted a more prominent role.
While it can be easy for some types to criticize ISFJs for their conservative ways, we should not overlook their value and purpose. In addition to helping and teaching others (Fe), ISFJs help remind us of where we’ve been (Si) in order to prevent us from repeating our past mistakes. Si serves as a necessary cultural counterbalance to Se, reminding us that material resources are not unlimited and should be managed with care and wisdom. (This Personality Junkie type profile is continued on the next page.)
Rethinking Judging & Perceiving: Part II: Convergence & Closure
In Rethinking Judging and Perceiving in IPs and IJs, I described how the J-P dimension can be confusing for IPs and IJs because the J-P nature of their dominant function is actually opposite that of their type’s J-P designation. I went on to suggest that, because of their dominant Judging function (Ti or Fi), IPs may in some respects function more like J-types while IJs, because of their dominant Perceiving function (Si or Ni), may in some ways function more like P-types. I also surmised that IPs, because of their dominant Judging function, are apt to be intentional and willful in initiating work toward a goal, while IJs, because of their dominant Perceiving function, are naturally more content and comfortable remaining in a purely perceptive state. Unfortunately, this nuanced understanding has not been incorporated into the MBTI, which continues to ascribe stronger willfulness or goal-orientation to J-types across the board.
Having recently been inspired to revisit the J-P dimension, I still feel the above assertions are generally sound. I did realize, however, that my original post failed to address an equally important element of the J-P dimension, which I will generally refer to as convergence. Historically, the Myers-Briggs community has used a similar term, that of closure. While closure and convergence certainly overlap in terms of their connotation, closure may take on a more negative connotation if associated with closed-mindedness, making convergence a better option in some respects. As we will see, convergence seems to be a consistent feature of all J-types. In this post, we will explore how convergence and closure relate to J and P-types respectively.
Judging Types & Convergence
Since the J-P dimension was originally formulated to reflect a type’s outer presentation, J-types, by definition, are more outwardly convergent in their expressions. They exude a sense of closure, firmness, and directness in their communication and mannerisms. This is particularly evident in EJ types.
In my view, there is also a sense in which the inner world of J-types is more convergent than that of P-types. While SJs and NJs may conceive of the world quite differently, they are similar in their tendency to see one view or one answer as correct or appropriate. Unlike Se and Ne, functions which are characteristically divergent, open-ended, and less discriminating, Si and Ni are more convergent, producing what amounts to a singular vision of things. Si effectively takes the entirety of an individual’s past experiences and condenses them into a single worldview or lifestyle. This is why SJs are notorious for being creatures of tradition and habit. They see the past as a blueprint for the present.
Introverted Intuition (Ni) also functions convergently. It synthesizes past and present information into a single intuition or “impression.” Since Ni does not rely on past precedent, there is a sense in which Ni seems more open than Si. But there is still a sense in which Ni builds a stable worldview over time, one that seems less susceptible to drastic shifts or “crises of knowing” than that of NPs.
The above may explain why J-types seem less wishy-washy and better at “staying the course” than P-types. It may be that the inner clarity and convergence of Si/Ni beget consistency and predictability in both thought and action.
Since their ideation seem less susceptible to significant perturbations or fluctuations, J-types seem to have an easier time typing themselves. They also seem less sensitive to or concerned with potential exceptions or inconsistencies in their beliefs. Unlike P-types, whose beliefs can be seriously shaken by a single exception or contradiction, J-types seem more resilient and steadfast in their convictions.
Perceiving Types: Doubting & Diverging
P-types generally experience less inner clarity, conviction, and convergence than J-types do. NPs, in particular, find it difficult not to see many matters as grey or ambiguous (including their personality type designation, career paths, relationships, etc.). This can be attributed to their Extraverted Intuition (Ne), which specializes in injecting uncertainty into things. Ne sees multiple explanations and possibilities for nearly everything (“The possibilities are endless!”). Consequently, granting top and consistent priority to a single vision or version of reality can prove difficult for NPs, especially in the first half of life.
SPs also exhibit diminished convergence compared to their SJ counterparts. While SPs may not fluctuate philosophically as much as NPs, they often show significant uncertainty with respect to practical matters, such as settling on a career or romantic partner.
The primary means by which P-types move toward convergence is trial-and-error experimentation. For NPs, this involves trying on new ideas, while for SPs, the focus is on seeking new sensory experiences. Either way, P-types need ample time before they can authentically arrive at anything resembling a firm conclusion. This of course assumes they have not “jumped the (functional) stack,” which can lead them to draw conclusions before surveying all the options.
Do Judging Types Prefer Closure? External Structure?
Having established that J-types achieve convergence or closure more readily than P-types, let’s now consider whether J-types actually prefer closure. Historically, Myers-Briggs folks have suggested that J-types do in fact prefer closure. In my view, this is primarily true of EJ types, but not necessarily IJs. Since IJs dominant function is a Perceiving function, it seems contradictory to suggest they are preoccupied with closure, at least not inner closure. (This Personality Junkie post is continued on the next page.)