Disney’s Brave: Merida [ESFP]
Se: Merida is a natural archer. She hates to sit around doing girly things in the castle – she wants to be out riding her horse, climbing mountains, and hitting bull’s eyes. She can’t sit still for very long, and is driven to action – whether that involves baiting her little brothers or shooting for her own hand in the archery competition. Merida can sometimes be reckless in her rapid decisions—one in particular that threatens to change her life (and that of her mother) forever.
Fi: It’s very important to Merida to be independent and allowed to live up to her own personal standards. She resents being forced to conform to traditions or her mother’s way of thinking. Merida desires a sense of self, and exhibits it both in her supreme kindness and in her rebelliousness. She refuses to change for anyone else, and must come to learn to appreciate and identify with her mother’s belief system.
Te: Once she decides what she wants, Merida goes after it. She isn’t interested in information for its own sake, so much as she is interested in using it to undo her biggest mistake. Merida can be logical in deciding how to get her mother out of the castle, and she is also aware of the consequences of her actions. She has natural leadership abilities that kick in when necessary.
Ni: She quickly figures out that the “woodcarver” is actually a witch. Merida also thinks about what her mother’s bear form will mean for her life if her father discovers her in the castle. But she’s so driven by her other functions that she often doesn’t think about what will happen next.