The Lord of the Rings: Sam Gamgee [ISFJ]
Si: Sam is sensible, practical, and detailed – the perfect person to see Frodo safely through Gondor. He finds it hard to let go of the past, and is reminiscing about the Shire long into their journey. Sam holds onto things from his former life, to comfort him in unknown places. He wants to return to familiarity and live a sensible, traditional life. Sam doesn’t crave adventure – he wants stability. He never forgets a transgression, and is able to focus Frodo’s mind on past delights just when his friend needs it most.
Fe: Everything Sam does is out of a desire to care for, protect, and please other people. He puts aside all of his own needs to make sure that Frodo is safe, warm, and looked after. He doesn’t sleep so that he can keep an eye on Gollum. Sam sacrifices his own food to keep his friend safe. He risks his life charging into an orc tower to save Frodo. He adapts into whatever anyone needs him to be, whether or not they ask him to. Sam finds it hard to express his own emotions, so they often come out in bursts of anger and frustration.
Ti: He questions things in a desire to understand them. Sam won’t take “no” or “turn back” for an answer. He is smart enough to know that Gollum is misleading them and to discern safe routes through Mordor. Sam tends to keep his thoughts to himself.
Ne: Around Gollum, all of Sam’s warning bells go off. He not only comprehends the powerful hold Gollum has over Frodo, but how Frodo feels in return. He’s aware of the Ring’s influence over his friend, and is devoted to destroying it even if it means he’ll never go home again.