Which of the Myers-Briggs personality types are the most talkative? Many people mistakenly assume that Extraversion/Introversion and Thinking/Feeling are the only relevant factors when it comes to these issues.
While acknowledging that there will be variations in talkativeness according to the who, what, when, where, and why of a situation, there are several personality preferences or functions that exert a general influence on talkativeness and sociability. In addition to the fact that, on average, extraverts are more talkative than introverts, I suggest that Intuitives, J-types, and Fe types are more talkative than Sensors, P-types and Fi types respectively.
Intuitives More Talkative than Sensors
On average, Intuitives tend to talk more than Sensing types because Ni and Ne are “verbal” functions. Intuitives have a penchant for language and communicating ideas. One can readily witness this difference in talkativeness, for instance, between ESPs and ENPs. ESPs, whose dominant function is Extraverted Sensing (Se), tend to be more interested in finding novel sensory stimulation or engaging in physical action. While ESPs can certainly be articulate, they are typically less chatty or verbally explorative than ENPs. ENPs explore ideas aloud and can have difficulty remaining quiet for very long.
J-Types More Talkative than P-Types
J-types are more abstract and left-brained than Perceiving types (See Lenore Thomson’s excellent book, Personality Type: An Owner’s Manual)
, for more on this). The left brain is associated with language and verbal forms of communication. The right brain is more body-based and uses non-verbal types of communication.
Since their Extraverted Judging function (Fe or Te) comes before the Extraverted Perceiving function (Ne or Se) in their functional stack, J-types prefer to talk more than listen. NJs, in particular, can launch into lengthy diatribes on all sorts of topics. While INPs can be quite chatty in certain circumstances, INJs are characteristically more talkative. Such differences are most readily observed in one-on-one conversations, in which the INJ does most the talking while the INP intermittently interjects questions, comments, or clarifications.
Fe Types More Talkative than Fi Types
Extraverted Feeling (Fe) is an interpersonal function. It seeks to connect with and broadly establish emotional rapport and resonance with others. It encourages open disclosure of feelings as well as working toward public consensus with respect to feelings and values.
Fi, by contrast, is an intrapersonal function. While pushing for inner harmony, it is less concerned with communicating and connecting with the feelings of others. While Fi users do utilize Te in their communication, Te is more concise, pragmatic, and generally less loquacious than Fe.
Talkativeness Rankings for the 16 Personality Types
In order to rank the personality types according to talkativeness, I decided to give 1 point for each of the following preferences/ functions: Extraversion, Intuition, and being a J-type. I will also grant one point for each type with Fe in the dominant or auxiliary position, and 0.5 point to types with Fe in the tertiary or inferior position.
ENFJ (4 points)
ENTP (2.5)
INTP, ESTP (1.5)
ISTP (0.5)
ISFP (0 points)